Casino de rueda

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Casino de rueda

Enchufla and hook turn and then enchufla and cross body back to neutral. Melody - Enchufla and the lead stands in front and to the right of the follow, looking over their left shoulder at the follow. The follow and lead, in a similar manner to Dos or Cubanito back rock, four times, then the lead picks up the next follow. Mezclado - - Leads turns to the follow on the right and catches the hand and brings the follow to the left, then catch the hand of the right hand follow again but spin the follow on the left nobody lets go!

Leads then spin the follow on left into a hammer lock. Back out of the hammer lock, bring the arms up and hook in the elbows. Make a little dip. Noventa ninety - - as shown, the trick is to lift the left hand and step under it. Palmadas - Enchufla and like Enchufla con Mambo , the lead and follow stand next to each other and count out the follow steps to time - stomp left and right, then clap once, then stomp left and right again and clap two times.

Lead picks up the follow they are facing. Parte el brazo - - Lead the follow clockwise and into the center of the circle. Then enchufla back into neutral. Parte el Brazo Complicado - - Similar to Parte el brazo, but after back stepping, put the follows arms behind their back when they face into the centre.

Paseala - - Pull the follow behind your back. The lead should be in front of and to the left of the follow in a left to left and right to right hand hold. On the next eight count, the lead then pulls the follow forward and wraps the follow. One the next eight count, the follow is unwrapped and spun to the right, keep the left hand low behind the back and the right hand leading the turn.

To help the follow unwravel, the lead should turn when turning the follow. Then end in a sombrero facing into the circle. Patin - - Do an enchufla doble, then another one and lead goes into the center, put arms on the shoulders of the other leads and step with left foot behind right and then right behind left, then spin back out and grab the partner to your right not the same follower!! When joining the other leads, to put left hand low and right hand high and to start with left behind right.

Prima y Enredala - - Prima and catch the hand of the follow on the right, back step and pull the follow on your left into a counter clock wise spin. While pulling the follow out, hair comb your right arm over your heard, face to your left. Then repeat, back step and rotate the follow on your left, etc. Once facing outward, continue to rotate to your left and back out under their arms.

You should be backing out under the arms of the two follows and backing out of the circle. Principe Malo - - Enchufla and slap the hand of the follow before moving on. Principe Bueno - - Enchufla and then kiss the hand of the follow before moving on. Setenta - - As shown. Setenta Complicado - - As shown.

Then while the lead holds their right hand low, they rotate the follow on the left in a clockwise outside turn until wrapped. The lead should now be facing the back of the follow with their right arm around their own waist holding the left arm of the follow behind them.

Dance until Dile Que No is called. Setenta Moderno - - Start like setenta, but lead the follower around behind and the lead steps in front with left hand up.

Lift hands up and lead the follow a round until behind again and the lead stands in front ducking under the right hand this time. The lead then ducks slightly and leads the follow to the right grabbing both the follows hands leading into a sacala, then duck under the follows arm and cross body back into neutral position.

Setenta Nuevo - - Start like setenta by putting the follow into a hammer lock on the first eight count. On the next eight count when unravelling the follow, the lead puts their left hand low and right hand high and continues to rotate to the right until the lead is in a hammer lock facing the follow on the right.

The lead then pulls on the follows right hand and transfers them behind the lead on Once the follow is on the left, the lead is now in hammer lock with their right hand behind their back and facing the follow on their left, the lead does a turn to the right, holding their left hand high. The lead should now be facing the follow in an open position. The lead now does a two handed enchufla and hair combs the follow.

Setenta por Abajo - - Almost identical to what is shown in the video, except the ending is different - the lead faces into the circle and once the lead stands up and does the enchufla, it follows the same ending pattern as setenta starting at the 16second mark.

Then cross body lead back. Setenta y Tres - - Starts like setenta with the lead ending inside facing outward. On the next eight count, the lead then raises both hands and steps under, turning to the left to face the follow, ending with cross arms. The follow is then lead in an outside turn clockwise ending with a hair-comb on the right hand side, and cross body back to neutral.

Setenta y Uno - - Similar to Setenta y dos, but hook just the right elbow on 7. Siete con Coca Cola - - Starts like siete, but spin the follow around while stepping around, then cross body back to neutral.

Siete Loco - - Starts with the Setenta style prep with the lead stopping the follow in a wrapped position on 1,2,3 and then spinning the follow with both hands. Then cross body and prep with both arms into the center of the circle. Then spin back-to-back with both hands over the head, ending with the follow in a sweet heart position. Siete Setenta - - Start like setenta but put the follow into a hammerlock along the edge of the circle. Then back-break, and pull the follow around until they are facing outward, and hook both arms in on 7.

On 1,2,3, unhook first left then right, then lead the follow around in a clockwise turn until they are behind with their left arm across the leads backs exactly like setenta complicado.

Sombrero Doble - - Start with a sombrero, then lead the follow back to the left into a quick reverse sombrero, the lead preps inward with the left hand and rotates the follow around back to back leading back to the right and then cross body back to neutral.

Sombrero Con Mambo - - Start with a sombrero and when the follow is on the right, step out the mambo step. The cross body the follow back to the left and then around your back and back to the left side. The follow keeps their hand around the mid-section of the lead.

Sombrero con Patada - Like Sombero con mambo, starts with sombrero and the lead holds the follow on the right side. Once in the Sombero, the lead and follow both jump forward, back then forward, back and kick, all following the clave beat. The lead kicks with their right and the follow with their left. Then cross body back to neutral. Then grab the left arm of the next follow and moves to the next follow, grabbing their right arm.

Repeat until "Bota" is called, then only when the next follow presents their right arm, pull them behind and enchufla them back. Toma Corriente - - This move requires an even number of couples in the Rueda circle because the leads pair up. This is important because it means you turn left or right to face your partner, depending on if you are up or downstream of them counter clockwise being "upstream", the direction the leads "swim".

On the next eight count, back break and pull the follows under your joined arms making sure to raise your left hand so the follows do not have to duck. On the next eight count, the leads pull past each other and turn to face their respective partner, but keep the hand hold and watch elbows. The leads then move onto the next follow and cross body lead. Vacilala - - Spin the follow around to the right. Vascilon pronounced "Bah-sa-lawn" - Called on 1, the lead presses the hand on the follow on 5 as normal and then immediately turns to the right to face the next follow who turns to the left on 6 and 7 and steps forward on 1.

Then continues to turn to the right to face original partner for pressing of hands on 5. Lead and follow then walk forward on 5,6,7, back on 1,2,3, repeat and on second 5,6,7 lead turns to the right.

Then walk around the circle for two eight counts. On the second eight count, push the follow outward on 5,6,7 and then pull the follow back on 1,2,3 back into the sweet heart and repeat twice, on the third time, pull the follow back and hook turn under the raised arm to face upstream to the right.

Clap twice on 7,8, and pick up the next follow. Ahorcala - - As shown. Akia - - Lead turns follow with two hand turn around from open position and cross body. Then enchufla and lead asks for left under right. Cross body, then hair comb lead first right hand and then left. Algodon - Starts like Tunturnun where the follow is put into a hammerlock with the right hand in a hair comb.

However, the hair-comb is a fake and the lead undoes the hair-comb and immediately does an enchufla with a hook turn. While doing a hook turn under the arms, the lead hops on one foot and pulls the follow from behind to the next lead on the left.

The lead then continues onto the next lead as usual. Agamemnon - - As shown. Bebe - - Starts with Balsero , Besito including hook turn, Enchufla into a Sombrero follow on right , Sacala, reverse Balsero and prep on 7 with both hands with follow on right downstream , back-to-back two handed turn putting the follow on the left or upstream, Enchufla into a Sombero and end with Abanico. Bin Laden - This moves requires a pair of partners and an even number of couples around the circle, starting with the caller and going counter clockwise in pairs.

Starts with an Enchufla and the lead does a hook turn, then the leads grab a left to left hold. The follows is then lead with a Sacala in parallel to the leads. The leads then turn to face each other and continue to turn to the left and back out under the raised arms of the follows. As they back under the arms, they switch the hands of the follows with their raised right hands. The leads then lead the new follow in a outside turn and hook turn.

Control - Start like Sombrero with right over left, spin follow to the right and then hook your right hand behind the head of the follow. Then back-break sending the follow outward unwrapping the arms into a cross position. Conqueta con Meloa sp? Leads should be facing into the circle at this point. Over the next eight count, the trick is to unfold the arms in front such that the lead can turn to the follow on the right and hold the left arm up and right arm down then spin to the right.

Come back up and do an enchufla, ending in double hooks, then cross body back to neutral. Enchufla and the lead does a hook turn, then the leads grab a left to left hold. Corona Triple - Setenta, then unravel and hair comb the follow on 5,6,7.

Then sacala and the lead hair combs themself by turning to the left and facing outward of the circle. Then twist the follow under clockwise, by raising the left arm, keeping the right hand on the neck of the follow. The follow will need to duck under slightly. Then lead behind while the lead turns to the left to face outward. Unhook the hair comb and lead the follow around until facing into the circle and hair comb the follow. Then lead the follow behind and start a mambo on 7, and while continuing mambo five steps in total , unhook the follow and lead hair combs themselves.

Then cross body. Dame con Azucar - Starts off a dame, on count 7 8 when the lead is leaving the follow, they stand in front of the next follow to the left and roll the hips and upper body on On , jump to the left and cross body the next lead.

Dame con Estilo - 1 While in a left to right hand hold, lead the follow into the circle on 1,2 and spin back out on 3, then walk back out on 5, 6,7. Then swivel right and left on the spot twice, then clap on 5 and spin on the right foot left for follows landing on 6 and 7 with stamping feet. Pick up the next lead.

Dedo de Laso - Starts with a prima and catch the follow on the right, with the lead doing a fake left arm over the head. Then sacala the follow, cross body and do El Doce, but on the ending enchufla, follow up with a cross body with a coca cola, ie. Do yet another coca cola and on the last one, the follow spins to the left and the lead spins counter clockwise to the left to pick up the next follow.

Juana la Cubana Complicado - Most of the move is a duplication of Juana la Cubana , however another sacala is added at the end. As the follow comes back from the centre of the circle, they are wrapped such that the follow and lead end up back to back. The trick is to keep the left arm low and the right arm high. The follow then ducks back under the arms and is lead around back behind the lead into an enchufla.

Juegos de Manos - Setenta then a two handed enchufla and with a momentary hair comb with the right hand over the head. Then the arms are switched one at a time in the following sequence - left arm goes from right to left ending on the left side of the head, while keeping enough distance between the arms, them move the right arm and put it on the right shoulder. Then move the left arm from the left side of the head back to the right side of the body, then bring the right and move it back to the left side of the head.

Only one hand is moved at a time, starting with the left, then right, left and right. While doing the arms movements, spin around for three eight counts. On the final eight count, make sure the follow is on the right and cross body them with a two handed grip. Hasta Mana See you until tomorrow - Starts with Prima, lead join hands with the follow on the right, then everyone walks inward and hops back out 3 hops.

Then, on one, spin the follow from the right to the left and with the left hand, lead the follow behind and on the next one, enchufla the follow on the left and leads step into the circle and face out. Follows face inward. Then end like Vascilla con Bum Bum Bah, with leads walking outward and hopping back in as follows walk inward and hop three times back out.

Then cross body the upstream follow. Leonsio Complicado - - Lead the follow in an outside turn with two hands and then step in front of the follow with arms up and crossed.

Bring the left hand over the head drop it down the left and bring the right hand over and drop it down the right. Then read more. Loka - Starts like Toma Corriente but after the leads have switched places on 1,2,3, they pull their follows past to switch places on 5,6,7 and keep facing the same direction away.

On 1,2,3 the leads pull again with their right hand, this time, the follow goes under arms of both leads between the two leads such that the lead ends up in a hammer lock with their right arm.

Then turn the follow around and pull them to the right into the slot on 1,2,3 and on 5, press, with their respective left hands, the hand of the other follow.

Cross body to finish. Media Prima group move - Start with a Prima and on the 5,6,7 the leads raise their left hand and step backwards, left foot first, under the arm of the follow on their left and stand back up.

The circle should be very close now with the follows facing downstream to the left and the leads facing inward. On the next 1,2,3, the leads grab the left hand of the follow, turn to the left slightly and again holding their arms high, back under the arms, right foot first this time. The leads should now have crossed hands in front of them. On the next eight count, the leads then spin to the right keeping their hands up and the trick here is to bring the arms back down in front crossed with left on top as the follows dance in place.

Leads then drop the left hand and lead the follow on the right in a El Dedo style move, switching positions. Then enchufla and immediately pick up the follow on the left, crossing in front for a degree, cross body back to neutral. Micaela - - Lead the follow in an outside turn with the left-to-left hand hold and as the follow comes around the lead spins to the right putting the lead in a hammer lock. Grab the right hand of the follow.

Then they are double spun and put into a cross body lead. Morin - Start with a Setenta , and unwrap the follow, then on the next eight count, the lead steps under their right raised arm and spins to face the follow, prepping on seven, with the right hand across the front of the follow.

While keeping the left hand as low as possible the right hand is used to wrap the follow behind the lead and then continue to unwrap. The lead then puts the right arm over their head in a hair comb and finishes with a Dile que no.

Ochenta y Ocho - - Starts with a right to right hand hold and the follow is lead in a counter-clockwise rotation, ending up on the right. As the follow comes around the lead does a hair comb and asks for the left hand.

Then on the next eight count, undo the hair comb and the follow is pulled around back in a reverse sombero like move, with the lead keeping their left hand low. For the next eight count, the follow is then pulled in front in wrapped with the right hand. On the next eight count, the follow is unwrapped and lead in a blind "pizza man" or spun around the back of the lead clockwise until they are completely around in a hammer lock position. At this point the follow should be on the left and in a hammer lock position.

Then unroll the follow and do an Enchufla with a hook turn for the lead. While doing the hook turn, the lead watching their elbows!! If done correctly the lead is facing outward and has the follow behind them in a left-to-left and right-to-right hand hold. Enchufla to finish. Prima la Cadena - - starts with prima, hold hand with partner on left and right. Step back and step forward on next eight count. Then prep the partner on the left and turn her counter-clockwise half turn.

Then turn her back and turn yourself left. Keep your hand behind you so that you have both hands crossed behind your back and you are facing outward. Then on the next eight count duck to the right and under the arm of the follow. Then undo and turn the other partner on your left again counter-clockwise for a half turn putting your arm over her head in a hair comb. Then undo and repeat hair comb with partner on right and cross body lead. Pan Cortado group move - Start with Sombero hand hold and the lead gets into a hammer lock first eight count by pulling the lead all the way around ending up with them on their left, keeping the right hand low and the left hand high going over their head.

On the next eight count, the lead then brings the follow under their left arm as the follow ducks and back under the right arm. The lead should be facing around the circle and the follow should go under the left and back out, butt first, under the right. On the next eight count, lead drops left hand and does an enchufla and then an sacala with the left hand.

The lead should also pull the follow close and continue their momentum in order to get them into abajo. At this point, the lead is facing up stream, almost belly to belly with their follow, who is facing downstream.

While doing abajo, the lead should be able to grab the right hand of the follow ahead of them with their left hand, forming a closed loop. Then do a close abajo and on the next eight count, the leads lifts their left hand and, like a cross body lead, pushed the lead under, while pulling the lead ahead of them outside the circle.

The lead steps into the circle and turns to the left to face the follow who is now facing into the circle. On the next eight count, the lead then goes onto the next follow upstream and does a cross body lead back to neutral. This article delves [ Introduction: The maestro returns For all who have been waiting with bated breath, the time has come. Luis Duarte, one [ The big reveal Yes, you heard it [ YouTube Channel.

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